As you go through the 第九条 process, remember that this experience can cause a range of emotions, 包括思维混乱, 痛苦和不知所措. Below are resources to support you through the process. 请记住,你并不孤单.  



St. 爱德华的 University 第九条 Team-Pool Membership: The formal grievance process relies on a pool of trained administrators to carry out the process.

St. 爱德华大学VAWA手册 (Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act):  VAWA requires that campuses have information readily available to assure an understanding of campus policies, 程序和幸存者服务.  


第九条学生顾问委员会:  The board is made up of eight diverse members of the student body to identify opportunities for improvement of the 第九条 and sex/gender misconduct policy, process and resources in service of students participating in the sexual misconduct process.  The board will provide the 第九条 Coordinator with a student perspective that focuses on student support and helps to foster institutional accountability.  Students can share ideas and feedback with the student board at   

致报告各方的信: Find out what constitutes a 第九条 offense, 如何申报, and what a reporting party can expect from the process, as well as self-care options and resources.

致答辩各方的函件: Learn more about the university’s commitment to a safe community, what constitutes a 第九条 offense, what a responding party can expect from the process, and support in the form of common reactions as well as encouragement to seek support.

第九条案件程序: 第九条 cases involving students are handled by a trained professional staff of the university. They serve as hearing officers, investigators, and advocates.  下面是这个过程.

Case Procedures for Sex/Gender Misconduct (not 第九条):  Some complaints will not meet the standards of 第九条 but can be resolved through an alternative student conduct process.

幸存者的循环:  A safe space where survivors can learn coping skills and connect to one another in their path to healing.  

这是我们的责任: FAQs about 这是我们的责任, a national campaign to end sexual assault on college campuses.

Annual Security and Fire Safety Report: Provides crime statistics, policies, and programs to inform you about campus safety.

Addressing Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment - Off-campus Internship Sites:  Provides information about resources and 如何申报 concerns.


Sexual Misconduct/Mandatory Reporting Language for Syllabi: Get the abbreviated statement regarding the nature of 第九条 offenses and a faculty member’s role in addressing all such offenses.

第九条的强制性报告了解强制性报告, 包括法律背景, 可报告事件的性质, and procedures for mandatory reporters to follow.

第九条案件程序 for 教职员工这个过程是这样展开的. 

Annual Security and Fire Safety Report: Provides crime statistics, policies, and programs to inform you about campus safety.



The following resources can provide support and assistance without any requirement to report what you tell them.

University Priest - during Sacrament of Reconciliation   512-448-8499 兄弟. Stephen Walsh 校园部 Building 

咨询服务,健康 & 咨询中心

512-448-8538                       伯德小姐约翰逊大厅,100号套房
提升 卫生服务、健康 & 咨询中心 512-324-4940 伯德小姐约翰逊大厅,100号套房
山顶热线 833-434-1217 24/7/365 days a week phone access to licensed counselors 
安全联盟 512.267.安全 (7233) 奥斯汀的社区合作伙伴


We take violations against 第九条 very seriously. These offices can assist you with formal reporting to begin the investigation. Only people who need to know as part of the formal investigation process will be told.

校园部 512-448-8499 兄弟. Stephen Walsh 校园部 Building 
学生办公室主任 512-448-8408 主楼G16室
公平及雇员关系 512-448-8540 证券大厅131
居住生活 512-448-8419 社区建筑1
学生残疾服务 512-448-8561 穆迪大厅,155室
大学警察 512-448-8444


整体护理 512 - 472帮助(4357)
爱就是尊重 1-866-331-9474
National Sexual Assault Hotline (RAINN) 800-656-4673
安全联盟-奥斯汀 512-267-7233(安全)
Texas Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault 844-303-7233 or  512-267-7233