Travel and research is an important part of the St. 爱德华的 University 荣誉项目 and an instrumental part of reaching your potential at St. 爱德华的 University. Explore the numerous resources the Office of Fellowships 提供了.

Explore the World While You Research

The Office of Fellowships is a great place to get advice on improving your chances of winning funding. They even break it down into fellowship opportunities for sophomoresscholarships for juniorsplanning ahead for 老年人. For advice on crafting your application and letters of recommendation, check out 学生的建议 或联系 蒂娜Guidubaldi,分类. Director of Fellowships.

How the Office of Fellowships Can Help You

The Office of Fellowships advises and supports students applying for national funding. They work with undergraduates, 老年人, alumni to expertly craft competitive applications for national awards, 包括 Marshall Scholarship, Gates-Cambridge Scholarship, Rhodes Scholarship, Truman Scholarship,和 Fulbright Scholarship,仅举几例.

Targeting Climate Change

See how Honors student, Chris Jackson, tackles the issue of climate change.

Over the past few years, our Honors students have established an incredible record of receiving these awards.

St. 爱德华的 also offers its own fellowships to undergraduates—the Summer Academic Excellence 奖—in order to help fund research and travel and better prepare them for national fellowship competitions. Students eligible for the Summer Academic Excellence Award are required to have a 3.7日平均绩点. Honors students are strongly encouraged to apply.

In addition to these awards, St. 爱德华的 offers the Student Conference Fund, which allocates funding for student travel expenses to academic conferences. This fund has allowed numerous Honors students to present their research across the country.

Other resources you should consider are the Science Summer Research Opportunities研究生 Fellowships and 奖学金.



“The benefits are numerous. For students who want to pursue graduate school, research and presentation experience are essential.”

While internships and study abroad trips are popular pursuits, summer research is often overlooked — yet it's an important way to gain hands-on knowledge in a student’s field. How does summer research work?